Mission Statement and Values
The guiding principle of our company is reflected in our daily interactions and in our dealings with our business partners and determines our actions.
“Be a first-class version for your own sake, not for someone else’s second class.”
A paint manufacturer with a colorful logo?
Admittedly, this doesn’t necessarily sound unusual right away. Yet paint is not just paint – each color shade can be assigned a meaning, in this case an attribute of our Schulz identity.
... means keeping an eye on figures, data and facts for our retail customers and constantly optimizing processes so that we can inspire with customer-oriented solutions and react quickly and flexibly to market changes.
... means for us to see customer service as a matter of the heart and not as the subject of a contract. Our aspiration is to deliver real added value beyond the standard.
... is our mission: we are proud of the expertise of our internal research and development department and rely on our feel for trends, enriched with comprehensive marketing service know-how and competence at the POS.
... means assuming social responsibility for future generations and employees. For us, this means using resources responsibly and using environmentally friendly raw materials and products.